The Philippine server aims to release the patch by March so everyone better watch out for that!
Brace yourselves because this patch is loaded with new stuff, including the much-awaited Battle Mode 3, the DX dungeon Hazardous Valley, and more Mercenaries!
1. Added Battle Mode 3 A. Story
- Colony association started using powerful alternative energy which far surpasses the 5th force, based on the research journal of Sir Minesta, who had disappeared with a rumor that he sold his soul to the Dark Lord. They made a training course for qualified soldiers to acquire this powerful Battle Mode.
B. Added Skill
- Skill Window > Special tab > Battle Mode
• Added Battle Mode 3
- Skill Window > Special tab > Battle Mode Skills
• Basic Attack A, Basic Attack B, Fatal Attack I, Fatal Attack II, Fatal Attack III
C. Skill Operation
- 5,000 SP is required for Battle Mode 3 activation
- Basic Attacks connected within 4 seconds will be counted as a combo attack
- Even if Basic Attack misses, Fatal Attack I will be activated if combo attacks count up to 4 times (order of Basic Attack A/B doesn’t matter with Fatal Attack)
- Fatal Attack will activate in the order: Fatal Attack I > Fatal Attack II > Fatal Attack III. It will activate up to the existing stage of Fatal Attack learned by the character
- Fatal Attacks do not MISS
D. Battle Mode 3 skills for each Battle Style
- Skill stats formula: Basic stats + (Raising stats per BSLV up x Battle Mode 3 skill’s level)
E. How to get Battle Mode 3
- Skill books for Battle Mode 3 can be crafted by a collection of Stain Clones, Trance Force and Minesta Craft Stone
- Stain Clones can be gained through quests from Quest Capsules
• Battle Mode 3 introduction quest (Minesta’s Legacy) + Daily Quest + 31ea of Quest Capsule quest
- How to get craft material
- Required craft materials for each stage of Battle Mode 3 on table below
- Success rate for crafting skill books is 100%
- Battle Mode 3 Skill books should be trained in order
- Higher skill of Battle Mode cannot be trained without the previous one
F. Added Quests related to Battle Mode 3
- Battle Mode 3 introduction quest:
- Battle Mode 3 daily quest:
- Quest Capsules of Battle Mode 3 quests:
- Drop location of Minesta Training Books
G. Synergy Effect
- a Synergy Effect will activate when the correct combo of Basic Attacks was followed
- All Synergy Effects are maintained for 8 seconds after Fatal Attack I is activated
- 3 Positive effects /6 Negative Effects can stack at a time
- When a same synergy is applied repeatedly, the effect will be amplified as 1.5 times per twice, 2 times per triple
- cast twice in a row: 1.5times amplification
- cast thrice in a row: 2 times amplification
- Both positive and negative effect will be amplified equally
- Synergy Effect for each Battle Style:
A. Narrative
- The source of river which across the dense jungle of Nevareth continent is named as Hazardous Valley, but no one could unearth its exact location after many years. Let's explore the legendary Hazardous Valley, and uncover the truth.
B. Details of Hazardous Valley
• After clearing the dungeon, 2 ~ 4 DPs will be given depending on its difficulty
• Introduction Quest: Celestial Tragedy
• Introduction Quest: Celestial Tragedy
• No penalty upon dungeon clear failure
C. Location
• Green Despair (X:21, Y:248)
D. Entry Item
D. Drop Item
A. Added New Rings
• Quest of obtaining Killian‟s Ring: ‘Ring Sealed with the Power of Killian’
• The Quest item may be dropped without accepting the very quest, just as the Mergaheph's Ring
• This quest can be accepted and completed only once
• Killian's Ring Craft Recipe:
- Craft materials: Mergaheph's Ring 1ea + Black Cat's Tear 1ea
- Black Cat‟s Tear: Core Alchemist Soyoung in Fort. Ruina sells it for 50,000,000 Alz
- Success rate of Crafting: 100%
• A character can own only own one Killian's Ring, and cannot possess the Mergaheph's Ring at the same time
B. Added Accessory Bracelet
• Prideus' Bracelet is basically character binding, but tradable item may drop rarely
• Three options will be added in random among the nine options below
• Three options will be added in random among the nine options below
A. Appearance System- change the appearance of equipment items for a certain period of time
- Changing appearance is applied via Core alchemist NPCs from each town
- The items which have changed appearance become character binding for the same period the appearance change applies
- The items which have changed appearance become character binding for the same period the appearance change applies
• For example, if a user changes the appearance of an account-binding item with 3 days duration, it becomes character-binding for 3 days. After this period is over, the item gets restored, becoming account-binding again
B. Required items Target Material
- Material used in changing appearance always gets destroyed whether the appearance change succeeds or fails
C. Period of Changing Appearance
- different success rate and Alz required per each period
- different success rate and Alz required per each period
D. Restore Appearance
- Users can restore the appearance by the Core alchemist NPCs from each town
- Item becomes restored when the user restore it by NPC or the period is expired
- User should pay the required Alz (NPC shop price of the Material item)
5. Added Achievement and Title system- Users can restore the appearance by the Core alchemist NPCs from each town
- Item becomes restored when the user restore it by NPC or the period is expired
- User should pay the required Alz (NPC shop price of the Material item)
A. Added achievement system
- Users receive rewards by completing various achievements in the game
- Achievement score and title are rewarded once the user clear achievements
- Users receive rewards by completing various achievements in the game
- Achievement score and title are rewarded once the user clear achievements
• Several rewards can be rewarded per one achievement
- The mission for achievement appears randomly, after playing the game for 30 minutes (once a day)
B. How to obtain achievement
- Clear each achievement requirement
- Various achievements can be obtained by playing quests, defeating monsters, etc.
- Clear each achievement requirement
- Various achievements can be obtained by playing quests, defeating monsters, etc.
• Users can check achievement missions and closed achievements from the Achievement UI
Achievement Information UI:
If users clear the mission of closed achievement, achievement will also open
C. Achievement Link
- Users can link achievements to the chat window by Ctrl + Right mouse clicking from 'Achievement' tab in the Achievement UI, just as linking items
- Closed achievements get opened if user clicks others' achievement link
- Maximum of 7 achievement links may be clicked per day
- Users can link achievements to the chat window by Ctrl + Right mouse clicking from 'Achievement' tab in the Achievement UI, just as linking items
- Closed achievements get opened if user clicks others' achievement link
- Maximum of 7 achievement links may be clicked per day
D. Achievement UI
- Opening the Achievement UI: Click 'Achievement' from CABAL Menu (or press Shift + C )
- Achievement UI is organized in 4 tabs
- Opening the Achievement UI: Click 'Achievement' from CABAL Menu (or press Shift + C )
- Achievement UI is organized in 4 tabs
• General info: View recent achievements and the whole state
• Achievement: Details of Achievements
• Title: Details and application of titles
• Achievement Rank: Ranks the achievement score of users (will be updated later)
6. Added Quest Capsule system
A. Quest Capsule
- Accept quest by right mouse clicking and proceed
B. Quest Capsule acquisition
• Obtain by daily quests
• Dropped in certain Fields and Dungeons
- Battle Mode 3 Quests by Capsule Quest
7. Brand New MercenaryA. New Mercenary
• Dazzled Druga, Dazzled Syarsor, Dazzled Angelo
B. How to get
• Dropped in-game
- Show the Battle Style Icon and HP when user select other character
- Show the Rank(Normal/Named/Boss Monster of Dungeon) of monster when selected
• In case of Event Monster, it is classified by blue color and Rank Icon
9. Added Item slot at Agent Shop and Display of Slot Option- Show the Slot and Slot Option of selected item when browsing item at Agent Shop
- When user over the mouse point on the item in inventory, user can compare it with current equipment
- If user have more than 2 items with same type in inventory, user can compare it in order by clicking Shift button
11. Added the function for withdrawing/storing bulk of items
• Alt + Left Click
12. Sell the Book for Transcender Attack Skill
- NPC Instructor sells the Skill Book for Transcender Attack Skill which was only dropped at Porta Inferno
- The Skill Book is same price with other Transcender rank skill book
13. Added the message hidden option when Buddy/Guild member logs in- The message of Buddy/Guild member login are hidden when if user activates this function at Option Chatting Tab
- Default option: Unchecked status
14. Added remote Cash Shop- Available to open Cash Shop at anywhere
- Shortcut Key: N (Open/Close)
- Unserviceable at Mission War
15. Added function to control transparency of each chat window and system message window- Control the transparency of each chat window and system message window at Chatting Tab on Option menu
- Control it by serrated wheel icon at Chat Window and System Window
16. Added Pet option confirm Window- Added the confirm Window for disarming for Sleeping Kit, Pet Untrain Kit or Sealed pet
- Added the pet name at guidance of confirm Window
17. Added “Close” Button while writing/replying letter18. Added “Refresh” Button at Cash Inventory
19. Added the message for equipment locking
- When clicking on the equipment locking button: Click the locking equipment
- When clicking on the equipment locking button again: Equipment locking is completed
20. Added the guidance tooltip for the Oath of Sacrifice/ Oath of Protection21. Added Alz unit at Alz in Warehouse
22. Added a message “You cannot summon mercenary yet” when user try to summon mercenary during cool time
23. Added guidance message when user cannot exchange the WEXP
24. Added warning window when user try to sell a periodical item
25. Added event category at Premium Information Window
26. Added “Permanent” message on the permanent duration item at in-game Cash Shop
27. Added the amount of current DP at Store UI
1. Raised the Character Level Capacity
- Raised the Character level capacity to Lv. 190
- User can get 100% EXP after reaching Lv. 190
- Added Rank Up Quest for 190Lv.
- Added 1 SP box in Character Info UI
- Raised the entry level capacity for Chaos Arena Lv.6 to Lv. 190
- Raised the using level capacity for Blessing Bead items to Lv. 190
- Added the Achievement and Title for Lv. 190
• Achievement: Lv. 190
• Title: Nevareth Pioneer (No option)
2. Changed the Extracting System
A. Change the way of extracting
- Extract item by clicking Item Extracting Mode Icon in inventory window
- It is possible to extract item by Extracting Mode Icon without Transmuter
- If user switches to Extracting Mode, it is possible to extract items placed in the inventory. Items impossible to extract are shown in Red.
- Extracting mode is canceled when user clicks ESC button or Item Extracting Mode Icon again
- Changed the alz acquisition to 0 during item extraction
B. Change the extracting rule of Weapon/Armor items
- Weapon/Armor Option Scrolls can be gained by extracting the same type of Weapon/Armor items
- Only possible to get the same rank of Option Scroll based on the extracted item (Low/ Med/ High / Highest)
- First Rank Item is impossible to extract (Crude, Normal)
- Number of extracted Option Scroll
• Able to get 1 Option Scroll regardless of the item’s reinforced level and rank (Epic, Unique) when extracting it
• Impossible to get an Option Scroll from a non-slot item (except for Bikes)
- Rate of gaining Option Scroll
• When upgrade item level is below 6: 1 Option Scroll
• When upgrade item level is below 7: 1 Option Scroll for 100% chance (Option Scroll for Sword/Magic Skill Amp. is possible to gain with low rate)
• When upgrade item level is 13~15: 1 Option Scroll, plus same rank of Perfect Core 1 is extracted (13 level: 25%, 14 level: 50%, 15 level: 100%)
• Rate of gaining Option Scroll depends on the reinforced level of extracted item
- Extracting the Core
A. Changed Porta Inferno
- Increased the level and number of Monsters on the high level sections of Porta Inferno (amount of EXP gained also increased)
- Changed attack range of certain Monsters
- Changed the location of Dark Kimzark (Previous: X:179/Y:220, New: X:155/ Y:216)
B. Changed re-spawn time of field monsters in Lakeside ~ Porta Inferno
• Re-spawn time of Field named monster will not be changed
4. Changed some Quests- Changed rewards of BSLV UP for Lv. 180 ( EXP 8,000,000 will be rewarded )
- Changed EXP rewards for certain scenario, normal, and dungeon quests
- Changed so that users cannot take ‘Supporter T’ quests anymore
• Only ‘Supporter T’ quests in progress can be continued and accomplished
- Changed so that ‘Plate of Soul’ and ‘Plate of honor’ will no longer be dropped
- Changed starting quest NPC of certain quests
• Changed quests: Novice Support (Weakened Tower of Undead B1F) / Mission: Weakened Tower of Undead B1F
• Changed NPC: Henkoff (Officer) -> Morrison(Officer)
- Limit Max/Min Level for using Quest Capsules which can be acquired in Weakened dungeons
• Max/Min Level limit same with Entry Level for that Weakened dungeon
- Changed the number of required items for Normal Quest ‘The Best Magical Material’ from 10 to 1
- Changed the number of required items for Normal Quest ‘Devastated Father’s Heart’ to Red Diamond
5. Changed in DP cube- Changed purchase condition of DP cube
- Changed DP cube reward to be higher
- Added ‘Cube of Honor’
A. Changed so that Map, Warp Code will be given automatically
- once character fulfills the required level to enter certain World, its Map and Warp code will be given automatically
- users can check the information on how to get Map, Warp code by clicking ‘Level UP’ indicator at the bottom left of the screen
B. Deleted existing Map & Warp code quests
- They will be marked as completed.
C. Added new leading quests to get Map & Warp code
7. Changed Chaos LampA. Existing Chaos Lamp
- Stopped dropping the existing Chaos Lamp
• Existing Chaos Lamps will still remain (not deleted)
- Plate of Honor(Lv1 ~Lv4) will no longer drop from existing Chaos Lamps
B. New Chaos Lamp
- Added Lamp of Dazzlement (Lv1 ~Lv4)
• Lamp-shaped lotto item dropped in field maps
• a Key item is needed to open the Lamp of Dazzlement
• Lamp of Dazzlement has 4 levels, and required number of key items varies per lamp level. Drop list also differs depending on lamp level.
- Changed the standard of arranging Weapon/Armor category
• Before: arranged by Class
• After: arranged by Item grade
- Added ‘Sword/Magic Skill amp.’ Category on Weapon/Armor Option Scroll Low to Highest
- Added Enchant Safeguard category(Low/Medium/High/Highest) on Upgrade Item – Other Special Items
• Currently registered Enchant Safeguards will not show in the new category, but if user registers it again, it will be registered on the new category.
- Added new category for ‘Prideus’ Bracelet’
- Some categories in the Agent Shop were also changed
9. Improved Buddy/Guild listA. Added Character Self-introduction function
- Added function that can show self-introduction of a character
- Added self-character information and button for editing character introduction above buddy list n buddy window
- Shown up the character introduction message of others in Buddy list/Guild list
- Able to check character information when putting mouse over buddy name
• Character login status/Nation/Current location/Character introduction
B. Changed to mark number of group members
- Marked the whole number of group members with number of current login members in Buddy list/Guild list
C. Added memo function on Block list
- Added memo function on Block list as character introduction function
- Able to check the memo by pointing mouse on the character name
10. Reduced EXP rewards for the normal and scenario quests for characters below Lv. 10011. Changed not to display the daily quest to users that couldn’t meet the quest level requirements
12. Changed the maximum critical rate which can be gained from rings from 30% to 32%
13. Changed the Cool Time for Force Kick
- Changed from -4 seconds to -5.1 seconds per level (Standard of Lv. 9 is 30 seconds)
14. Changed some details of exchanging WEXP
- Changed so that 200 WEXP is consumed when Lv. 180+ character exchanges WEXP to EXP
- Limited the exchange number of WEXP to 50 times at once
15. Changed purchasing UI for Skill Book
16. Changed purchasing and selling option at NPC shop in case that there are large transactions
- When selling mass amount of items, the first entered number is the max number that can be sold at once
- Max number that can be sold at once is shown up when user clicks the dropdown button on input cell
17. Changed starting point of “The Tower of the Dead B1F” dungeon as a safe zone
18. Changed item option regarding oath type item
- Can now register Oath of Sacrifice/Oath of Protection on Agent Shop
- Added category for Oath type items on Agent Shop:
Functional Item > Other Special Item > Oath Item > Oath of Sacrifice/Oath of Protection
- Oath icon tool tip appears when using Oath of Sacrifice/Oath of Protection
19. Changed icon image of Weapon/Armor option scroll differently for each grade
20. Set character immobile while doing item upgrade
21. Changed so that max number is shown when user clicks the dropdown button on input cell while exchanging WEXP
1. Corrected error that unnecessary tooltip ‘Move to the next tab and combine’ was shown on the items which are impossible to combine
2. Corrected error that “Gained magic Skill EXP” was wrongfully shown as “Gained sword Skill EXP”
3. Corrected error that Force Archer’s damage rise abnormally while using “Multi Shooter” skill consecutively during certain circumstances
4. Corrected error that users get disconnected while using Battle Mode in certain circumstances
- Corrected so that client does not forcibly close but shows message that battle mode is in use when user try to use Battle Mode while he or she is already in use of it
5. Corrected error that certain NPC had unnecessary “quest NPC FX” when character talks with Sirius at “The Land of the Undead” dungeon
6. Corrected error that certain dungeon gates were shown askew
7. Corrected error that low level epic item was dropped as acharacter-binding from legacy box at “Maquinas Outpost” dungeon
8. Corrected error that some equipment were dropped by wrong rank randomly from some monsters
- Normal items drop instead of no binding high-rank epic item
• Applied only to monster drop not to box/chest compensation
9. Corrected error that unnecessary blank space was shown at usage history list of Guild Warehouse while checking it by using mouse wheel
10. Corrected error that image looked abnormal when user mouse-overs on “X” button of confirmation window while buying skill books
11. Corrected error that sub-password window does not open again if canceled by ESC button
12. Corrected error that duration time of Saint’s Force buff skill was shown abnormally on its Tool Tip
13. Corrected error that Mercenary’s attacking becomes inactive when user attacked the last Nualle of Panic Cave14. Corrected error that some monster’s attacking pattern was abnormal in Porta Inferno
15. Corrected error that name of summoned Mercenary does not synchronize with the one in the party list
16. Corrected error that user can write letter “#” over the Chat Window
17. Corrected error that completing NPC information was shown abnormally at some quests
18. Corrected error that user can write Chat Message over the Chat Window
19. Corrected error that the position of character slot was not changed at certain situation
20. Corrected error that dungeon ‘Lake in Dusk’ didn’t end if boss monster died out of user’s view
21. Corrected error that inventory tab was shown abnormally when purchasing mass number of items
22. Corrected error that Lock function for Warehouse/Inventory doesnt apply after game login even when user had set the password before
[Mission War]
1. Changed the Mission war level section
- Changed bracket Lv. 170-180 to 170-190
2. Changed some details of section Lv. 140 ~ 169/Lv. 170 ~190
A. Raised the defense and HP of users
- Section Lv. 140 ~ 169
• Before: Character defense increases 1.5 times / HP 5 times
• After: Character defense increases 1.75times / HP 6times
- Section Lv. 170 ~ 190
• Before: Character defense increases 1.5 times / HP 5 times
• After: Character defense increases 2 times / HP 7 times
B. Changed some details of towers
- Decreased attack and defense
- Changed max targeting number as 5
- Changed the sustainment time differently from size: The bigger size tower has the shorter sustainment time
C. Changed some details of Force Tower
- Increased the stats of Force Tower
- Increased the setting price of Force Tower (except Resurrection/Warp tower)
- Reduced setting time
D. Increased the stats of Legacy Guardian / Sage’s Ensign / War Gate
3. Corrected error that client forcibly closes when user tries to restore quest while on Mission war lobby or field
Credits: Cabal PH
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